Want to contribute?

You can contribute by joining our Telegram group, Matrix group and checking out our GitHub repos. You can ask us for help and we will be happy to answer any questions.


This website is created using Jekyll. Fork repository, make your changes, and create merge request.


You should start with Installation and SDK.

Then it depends on what you want contribute to:


Translations could be provided via transifex/nemomobile or directly using merge request on github.


We are looking for designers and artists who can create graphical mockup of user interface, sketch ideas, and help with other graphics. See Qwazix’s blog – Design.


  • Check status of feature with your device on current version. Update status on website according to your finding.
  • Try to update to most recent version if something doesn’t work.
  • Try to find out what is problem in the code your self if you have right expertise.
  • Let us know about problems.


The free capacity of server can be utilized for different tasks. For example:

  • repository and image mirroring
  • continuous integration - automated build of packages and images

Connection with community

Try it, use it, and share your experience with others. Publish your opinion on social networks. We will be happy to see articles or blog posts about Nemomobile.

You can even re-publish your blog post also to our website. Just fork the repository, make your changes, and create merge request.

You can send us money.

Donate using Liberapay

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