OpenSUSE Open Build Service
January 22, 2025

Nemo redesign part 1

Hello again!

For some time I’ve been wanting to jump ship from SailfishOS, and Nemomobile was seemingly the answer i’ve been seeking. Nemo mobile is alternative mobile OS similar to SailfishOS, so much so that until recently you were able to install Nemo gui on sailfishos because they shared the base. To this day SailfishOS base is called nemo and many elements in SailfishOS are called Nemo.

Okay Nemo it is but why redesign it?

Now that this is out of the way (I REALLY hope I don’t have to explain why) what is the plan? Well general plan is that we want nemo to be looking great and feel great, port all my apps to it and make compatibility layer for sfos apps. Waydroid or whatever android apps thing is current at the day you’re reading it should work fine as well and all the plasma mobile etc apps should work too, so if all goes well we should have highest app compatibility of all OS’s, but frankly, my apps is all I need and most people want (not my words).

As first step we wanted to make design of entire OS but that turned out to be too much to handle. Oh and when referring to us I mean me and my designer gregguh@telegram. So we settled on changing small elements first, like basic building blocks, starting with switches shown above, after which we’ll crawl our way up and slowly redesign entire operating system.

For now I’ve managed to port nemo to openSUSE so that I can work on it on my computer without hassle So I’m going to start work soon as the design is in already.

This is more of a beginning of the series. I’ll document every struggle and process of redesigning entire OS going forward so stay tuned.

Michał Szczepaniak

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